Gloopie of the Month Contest Rules
All the details
To enter to win you must post an image, or multiple images of your project with 3D Gloop clearly visible to Instagram, Facebook, or twitter.
Replies, comments, and re-tweets will not be considered entries. Each entry must be it’s own unique post.
All submissions must be related to 3D printing, and posted on any of our social media platforms and tagged to 3DGloop!
All submissions must be SFW (Safe For Work: No nudity/adult themes, excessively violent themes, etc.) and acceptable for all ages to view.
All submissions must use 3D Gloop! in some way.
All submissions must include a photo(s) of the project, with a 3D Gloop! product clearly visible.
All submissions must contain the hashtag #GloopieOfTheMonth.
All contestants must be 18 years of age or older.
Submissions close on the last day of ever month. A winner will be chosen on the first Friday of every month (i.e. the January winner will be chosen on the first Friday of February).
Winners will be shipped a free* 3D Gloop! T-shirt, and bottle of Gloop (PLA or ABS).
*Contestants located in the continental US will not have to pay for the product, or shipping&handling.
*International contestants may be required to pay partial shipping&handling / duties fees.
It is possible for a single contestant to win more than once.
Rules subject to change.